What are some common examples of DBMS software?

So as you probably are aware a DBMS is a “Database Management System”, or more shortly, its a Database. I’ll list a few by type.

These are your Relational Databases. Almost always using SQL as its query language. 90% of the time these sill be your best option.

  • Oracle Database
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MS-SQL
  • Sqlite.

Document store, aka . NoSQL
These are non relational, schemaless databases. Theres a lot of hype around these, and they make a good choice in circumstances where RDBMS isn’t quite a good fit. Theres also a lot of snake-oil in this world too, and often a lack of ACID reliability guarantees.

  • MongoDB,
  • CouchDB
  • MarkLogic
  • DocumentDB
  • ZODB

Graph database.
These are a special instance of non-relational that specialize in interconnected records of the same (or similar) types. For instance if you where creating a social network, you would use a graph database to store the friends lists. Because the store is designed specifically for this task it allows highly efficient queries such as “Who are the friends of my friends” or

“in this social network of 1 million people who are the center of most social circles”.

  • Neo4J
  • ArangoDB
  • OrientDB
  • GraphDB

Column Store.
These are databases that store data organized by columns rather than row. Usually as a facility within a more conventional RDBMS.

  • ApacheHbase
  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB column store.

Key/Value Store.
These are databases that store data indexed by a unique key. Generally used as a high speed transient store for things like database sessions, or as a medium for fast message store and forward.

  • Redis
  • BerkleyDB
  • Riak

This is FAR from a comprehensive list, and many of threse really fit into multiple catagories (Notably, MongoDB)