What are the various domains in which software developers work?

As a software developer whenever we use the term domain mostly we will be talking about the “Business domain”.

Business domain is the area for which our software product/service provides some kind of solution.

To make you understand it better lets take some example:

  1. Telecom
  2. Finance
  3. E-commerce
  4. Healthcare
  5. Insurance
  6. Entertainment
  7. Gaming
  8. Travel
  9. Advertisement etc.

Ok, so as you might be aware of the term domain it can be said a group or cluster some some small units may be called sub-domains which in itself is a domain.

Lets take example of Telecom here:

In telecom domain you might be working on one of these sub-Domains.

  1. Networking - which will facilitate you with calling like 4G or 5G etc.
  2. Ordering Management - Deals with the devices/plans subscriptions bought by users.
  3. Facturation - Traite toutes les informations monétaires liées à un abonné, etc.

Donc, au moment où vous rejoignez le développement de logiciels, vous pourriez travailler dans l'un des sous-domaines d'un grand domaine.

Ces sous-domaines seront liés les uns aux autres d'une manière ou d'une autre et, dans leur ensemble, ils représentent un domaine ou une entreprise plus vaste comme AT&T, Vodafone etc.