Une question plus ancienne, mais encore plus pertinente aujourd'hui 🙂
Voici'une collection des outils que j'ai rencontrés, en espérant que quelqu'un les trouve utiles :
- Watch My Domains/Domain Punch (desktop) (https://watchmy.domains/)
- Watch My Domains SED For Web Servers (https://watchmy.domains/sed/)
- DomainBrain 2 (https://domainbrainapp.com/)
- Domainer (http://www.ragesw.com/products/domainer.html)
- DNS Portfolio (http://www.dnsportfolio.com/)
- Efty (http://www.efty.com/)
- IP Neighborhood (http://www.ipneighborhood.com/)
- DomainTools Monitor (http://www.domaintools.com/)
- Votre Registrar (certains sont meilleurs que d'autres à ce sujet)
- Mon portefeuille de domaines chez Flippa (https://flippa.com/)
- Domaintower (http://domaintower.com/)
- Domainlad.io (https://domainland.io)
You can find screenshots and more info on why you'd want to use these tools on the following blog post over at Flippa:
- Domain Portfolio Management Tools | Flippa Blog
I wasn't aware of Domain Tower, so I've added that to the list on this page. If anyone comes across any others, please let me know and I'll update it.